Monthly Archives

April 2020


I’ve Been Limiting My Use of Technology

June 26, 2020

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s been very common to see people sharing their “quarantine projects” – things people are doing to pass the time and try to be productive during this era when so many things are unknown, and while the world is seemingly at a standstill. While we are seeing things open back up and the world start to move forward again, there is still a lot…


My New Cello – Eugene Holtier, 2018

June 21, 2020

If you know me personally, you know I just got a new cello. I wanted to make sure I shared it on my website as well! After a lengthy search and after trying eight cellos in total, I picked number eight! My new cello is an amazing instrument by Eugene Holtier of Cleveland, OH. I had the distinct pleasure of working with some excellent, knowledgeable stringed instrument experts…

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